I'm finding that I'm spending entirely too much time on the internet. I've paid attention lately, and a great chunk of my time is spent looking at other people's photos. Especially other photographer's photos. Now, that's not nescisarilly a bad thing, unless you, like me, are a photographer who is striving to carve out my own niche in this industry and continually trying to develop my own style.
We all draw inspiration from each other. That's just what we do! Some people are upset by it and accuse others of being big fat copy cats. It's hard to know where that fine line is between flat out copying, and drawing inspiration (which, by the way, I had to learn the HARD way). About a year ago, I had a client that liked something a photographer did, so I recreated it for her, and I got all kinds of crazy negative feed back from all kinds of people! These kinds of things have been part of my learning this business. I definitely learned from that mistake, and I wont let it happen again! Especially now. I've decided to completely STOP viewing other photographer's blogs, dA pages, facebook fan pages, personal facebook pages, etc., and turn to my Lord for my inspiration and ideas. After all, I do this to glorify Him! I haven't spent enough alone time with my Father, and I need that to change. I am ashamed to admit it, but I can not remember the last time I cracked open my bible. I can't tell you the last time I went to my favorite spot to watch a sunset and pray. I'm so caught up in my little internet world that I forget about that big huge world out there! I wish I could say I could take a total internet hiatus, but that would likely be the demise of my entire business! I do 95% of my work through my computer and through the internet. It's a fabulous tool, but that's all it should be...a tool.
So, it's going to be hard not to blog stalk, but I think I can do it!
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ReplyDeleteI know you have no idea who I am, but I look at your photography page quite often when I am on facebook. I have always loved taking pictures, and I thought I might try my hand at it as well. Your pictures are very inspiring to me, but I will say I have not tried to copy or recreate any of yours...But I do love looking at them for inspiration. I hope one day I can be as good as you are, because your pictures are absolutely amazing! I've never used photshop until I started taking up photography which was about 3 months ago, I've kind of had to teach myself how to use it, and it wasn't easy. I was wondering if you have any tips or tricks? Anyway thanks for sharing your work!!
Hi Shelbi! I'm sorry I am just now seeing your comment, I am bad at neglecting my blog sometimes! It's nice to hear that my work inspires someone's creativity. I never think that anyone watches what I do as much as I watch others. I had to teach myself photoshop as well. I say that as past tense, but really it's an ongoing learning process. I don't think you can ever fully learn that stinking program! The possibilities are endless with it! As far as tips or tricks go, I don't have any magic combination of tools I use. It's all about your eye. I have learned that I have to do what looks best to ME. People will come to you for YOUR eye. Some photographers like a softer, more subdued look in their photos. Others like a bright, high contrast, super warm look. Find your style, and always go with what YOU think looks best. Please yourself first with your art, and others second. Not everyone will appreciate your style, but that's the world of artists. Not everyone loves and listens to Beethoven, but everyone can appreciate it!