Sunday, January 23, 2011

This Business

I am blessed beyond measure that God has chosen to provide for me and my family in the way that He has. When I was growing up, I always thought I would be a teacher. I would line my baby dolls up in the hallway, sitting on anything that could be considered a chair (including my baby sister's potty training chair), and would play school for hours. Then, I got to high school and did some student aide work and thought "what the HECK and I doing?!" So that idea was nixed. I finally made it to college and figured, hey, how about business? Of course, that was just a general degree. I figured I could do just about anything with that. Once I was sick to death of it, I considered cosmetology, and finally settled on psychology. I thought I could make a pretty decent counselor, but that one didn't last long either.

In the meantime, I had been playing with photography. And believe me, I thought it was just a fun hobby that wouldn't get me anywhere. I didn't think I was anything special. I bugged friends to let me take pictures of them, just for fun. I started out with film, my dad's old 35mm Pentax that he used to take pictures of ME when I was a baby, and had a blast. I am very thankful that I started with film, because it gave me the foundation in photography that everyone using something more than a point an shoot Kodak EasyShare camera should have. My dad taught me all of those fun words like aperture and f-stop. He taught me all about timed exposures and I got some fabulous lightning shots. He gave me dozens of filters...not the filters you click on in Photoshop...real ones. Cokin filters. The kind that you needed a square adapter for. I played and practiced, and spent tons of money on wasted prints just to get one good picture.

Finally, I wore out that poor Pentax and decided to go digital. My wonderful Uncle Rip(Richard Ira Polley) took me out shopping and bought me my first digital SLR. I was amazed that someone had so much faith in me that they would spend that much money on me! Right after that, I was asked to do my first wedding. I was terrified, and naturally the pictures weren't fabulous, but it got me out of my comfort zone. Ever since then, people have asked me to take their pictures. After I finally surrendered to this calling, I've been so extremely blessed with consistent business. I don't pursue it. I just accept it. I love that this is the way I am making a living. I'm by no means a professional photographer. I didn't go to school for it. I don't have any fancy training, certificates or great credentials. I just have what God has given me.

With all of this being said, I have to vent a little about this "business" God has placed me in the middle of. I am simply amazed at the cut-throat-ness (yes, I'm making up words) of it! I have never seen so many people be so flat out rude and mean to each other. I think a lot of photographers think that if they share knowledge with someone else they are giving away their secrets or that they will lose clients. You know what though? I have never been at a loss for business. And I don't think that is due to my ability to push a button on a camera. It's all because God has a bigger plan than me just making money to take care of my family. I would be naive to think it was all about me. I may not be a pro, and my work may not be perfect, but I do everything to my best ability.

I can't stand that there are so many photographers, just here in this area, that are so quick to judge other photographers work. Some will accuse others of "stealing" ideas, poses, locations, clients, etc. But I figure that if there are so many people in this area looking for photographers there is more than enough business to go around. We've all got our own styles and way of doing things. I figure that if the Lord wants me to meet a certain person, it's going to happen.


  1. girl, just keep doing what you do and ignore the buttheads out there! you have an amazing gift with the camera and an even more amazing gift with people. if someone has an issue with something, just remember it is their issue, not yours. don't take it personally and don't let it get to you. just look at the amazing work you do for people in both the photo realm and the personal realm and it should remind you that you are amazing. hugs and blessings!

  2. Mari you summed it up perfectly and we both have the same perspective - If God wants us to photograph a wedding then we will be asked to do so. If not, then He has something else for us to do.

    By the way - you get paid to take photographs therefore you are a professional. Simple as that.

    Keep up the great work!

  3. God has given you a talent and people STILL ask me who took our wedding pictures. You are blessed and just keep doing what you do because you are amazing at it!!
