Monday, September 27, 2010

Hello Monday!

Mondays seem to be my productive days.  I've already managed to get to my third load of laundry.  If you don't know much about me, I would rather let the laundry pile up until I can't see the floor anymore.  The dishes are still dirty, but I've got to take this "housewife" thing slowly. :-)

I'm working on my editing today, trying to get as much done as possible.  I have an editing schedule, so I can eventually get my turnaround time down to just a couple of days, instead of a couple of weeks.  I was up until midnight last night, watching a movie out of the corner of my eye , editing my 4th shoot of the day!! *Whew*

I've got to say, I really enjoy doing mini-shoots.  I did one for a sweet little girl named Paisley for her 9 month portraits.  Her mom has been amazing about keeping up with getting her picture made every month!  Here's her session:

She's pretty stinkin' cute, huh?

I'm off to get some more editing done (and possible a tiny cat nap).

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