People are constantly asking me "What are Boudoir portraits?" The easiest answer I can give is "bedroom" or "sexy" pictures or even "glamor", but man, they are so much more than that.
Even before I do a boudoir session with a woman, the first thing they tell me is how nervous they are, and how they hate their mommy marks, crows feet, or some other silly thing that I never would have noticed. For most women, it takes a HUGE amount of courage just to call me or email me. I think women today have been brainwashed into thinking they have to be a certain form of "perfect" to be beautiful. Let me clarify something for you: "perfect" is what you already are.
It takes a lot to be comfortable in your own skin. I may only be 23, but I've never been more confident and comfortable with myself than now, and I hope and pray it only gets better from here. My body isn't perfect. I'm overweight. So is most of the country. I have acne scars from years of fighting being a teenager, and more blemishes right on top of those scars. My eyebrows will always be uneven...I've accepted it. My legs are permanently scarred from years of falling off of my bike in the street, shaving accidents when I was 13, and many battles with the awful MRSA infections I will continue to battle. I'm pale, I have cellulite....I could go on.
But you know what? I'm okay with that. Because after doing so many of these boudoir sessions, and constantly trying to reassure women that they are beautiful just the way they are, I've come to am I. Girls, none of us are perfect in the way we think we should be, but you have to see that we are PERFECT to our Creator. God made us exactly the way he wanted us. And if you are going to criticize one of His most glorious creations, well, then...I will just have to kick you in the shins.
Girls, seriously. Your mommy marks are beautiful because they are signs that your body has created something glorious and beautiful. Your crows feet are just a testimony to how many times you have laughed and smiled with friends. And that cellulite...well, I can't explain that one, but trust me...we've all got it. Maybe it's just proof that you can make some dang good brownies, and for that you should be proud. :)
I don't want anyone to think that these "sexy" pictures are just for the sake of being sexy. These pictures give women the confidence they need, and the PROOF they have so desperately been seeking that they ARE beautiful!
Many women shy away from boudoir sessions because they think they are supposed to wear their undies for pictures. That's not the case. I have had women wear their favorite dress and heels, something they might even wear to church, for their boudoir sessions.
Just like Monica:
The night before here session, she called me, in a panic, trying to think of any excuse to get out of it! At the time, she had already had three children, and was terrified of showing her "mommy marks". I told her I wasn't taking any excuses, and that I would see her the next day at my apartment. I told her to bring some more modest outfit choices that she simply felt "pretty" in, and some more revealing outfits, just in case. She was so nervous, but I promised her that after her session, she would see it's a priceless experience! We started her session with a simple dress that showed off her gorgeous legs and shoulders! I mean, come on. Look at her! She wore a sweet summer dress and wedges, and looked incredible! And you can't even see her face!Of course, after realizing my nephews know her kids from school, and that we were both in orchestra in high school, and me gushing about how jealous I was of her gorgeous hair, she warmed up to me. I can't help but tell women how gorgeous they are. I don't really do it on purpose. Some may think I am weird for saying the things I say.
I once told a client she had gorgeous ankles! She still makes fun of me for that!
Monica now has a poster of one of her favorite boudoir shots on her bedroom wall, which I think once hung above her fire place, and takes the opportunity to show if off whenever she can!(I'm almost positive this is the one)
You don't have to reveal all to be beautiful either. Katey has the most stunning facial features and the most beautiful blue eyes!
Plus, she knows how to rock a t-shirt supporting breast cancer research!
Age doesn't make a difference in how beautiful or sexy you are either. I have done sessions with women of all ages. My mom was probably the best boudoir session I have done for a more "mature" woman. She is 45 years old and has never felt more beautiful in her life. When she asked me to do a session for her, she worried I would have to be in therapy for life because seriously, who really wants to see their mom in her skivvies!? However, knowing that my confidence and self worth came directly from my mother, I was honored to do it! My mother has always been the most beautiful woman to me, inside and out. It was an incredible experience to see my her let her beauty shine!
Um, hello gorgeous. Check you out!
I believe our bodies are beautiful. I mean, look at what they can do! We make babies! Has any man ever been able to say "Yeah, I made a lung today, what did you do?" Nope, don't think so. We should celebrate ourselves! Even if you and I are the only two people to ever see any of your pictures, you will always have them to look back on when you are having an ugly-frump day.
I figure when I'm 80 years old, I'll be pulling these out to show my grand daughters. I'll say "Yeah, honey, that is me! I was pretty good looking, don't you think?"
This is me. I'm goofy, I have curves, and I'm comfortable. I'm a glorious creation of the Lord, and I love that He created me!

*photos by Deanna Keese of Keese Photography. She's awesome. Trust me.
I also understand that finances play a big role in whether or not women take part in these sessions. Please, contact me if you would like to take part in my June 25th boudoir special. I will do whatever it takes to make it work for you financially!
Oh, and by the way: Friends and hubbies are welcome to join you for support!